The “Why”


Organizational Management

Today’s public safety and crisis management organizations are encountering numerous challenges. While new leaders possess the educational background necessary to fulfill the minimum requirements for a leadership position, they often require monitoring and guidance to effectively motivate an organization to continue delivering its mission at the highest level.  Taskforce Strategies experts have years worth of successful practical applications to help your organization grow and prosper.  

Why Is Preparedness A Necessity

Emergency preparedness planning is an essential core element for all public and private organizations.  Additionally, gatherings involving the congregation of people for events require an emergency preparedness plan to be in place.  National Standards as well as risk professionals in the insurance industry are re-establishing the expectation for organizations of all sizes based on after-action reviews of significant incidents.

nfpa 101

Chapter 10 requires Emergency Action Plans be developed and implemented.  Plans need to address procedures for responding to emergencies, training and other requirements as identified by the Authority Having Jurisdiction.

I.C.C. Minnesota Fire Code

Section 403 required a Public Safety Plan when “the fire code official determines that an indoor or outdoor gathering of person has an adverse impact on public safety“.

OSHA 1910.38

OSHA’s safety standards require a written emergency plans addressing fires, other emergencies and evacuation.

Crowd Managers

For gatherings with 1,000 or more persons, there shall be 1 trained crowd manager per 250 persons.

Depending on the type of event regardless of size, crowd managers may be needed to help reduce risk.

Fire Watch

When determined by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) or Fire Code Official determins a fire hazard exists, “Fire Watch” personnel can be required.

Emergency Medical Services- EMS

EMS standby personnel may be required after completing a Life Safety Evaluation as required by NFPA 101.  Large gatherings can drive EMS calls for the local provider and on-site personnel ensure no delay in care.    

Unified Command

Unified Command is the foundation to crisis management.  Effective crisis management teams are made up of all public safety disciplines as well as business partners working together to plan and execute operations underneath one mission.  

Historical Perspective

Post incident reports identify the following elements which need to be corrected;

  • Lack of a Disaster Preparedness plan.
  • Lack of effective. communications bettween public safety agencies as well as business partners.
  • Lack of a true Unified Command.

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